
How to go to Toki Aeon from Toki City Station without a car. (English ver.)

※Estimated reading time: 10 minutes



There are two ways to get to Toki Aeon from Toki City Station without using a car: by bus or bicycle.

By bus, it takes about 30 minutes one way, and by bicycle, about 20 minutes.

The bus costs 330 yen one way for an adult and 170 yen one way for a child. In other words, a round trip for an adult would cost 660 yen.

1) How to go to Toki Aeon by bus

It takes about 30 minutes from Toki City Station to Toki AEON by bus.

If you go to Toki AEON from Tajimi Station by bus, it takes about 15 minutes.

Note that the fare is the same whether you go from Toki City Station or Tajimi Station: 330 yen one-way for adults and 170 yen one-way for children. Note, however, that buses from Tajimi Station to AEON are less frequent than those from Toki City Station.

about time

For more information, please see the official Toki AEON MALL page below or the Totetsu Bus website.


↑Toki-shi AEON MALL Official Page

2) How to go to Toki Aeon by bicycle

It takes about 20 minutes from Toki City Station to Toki AEON by bicycle.

Google Maps does not show a way to get there by bicycle, so it may not be a place to go by bicycle. However, assume that you are going by bicycle. Google Map shows about 4 km on foot, but it is actually about 3 km because I will show you how to get there by taking a back road.

It looks roughly like this Google Map, but this road would require you to take a busy road, so I will show you a less busy recommended route.

First, from Toki City Station, go straight to the Toki City Library and cross the bridge. After that, you will see a landscape like the one in the photo on your right side, and the Toki City Library can be seen behind Nippon Seimei. Continue along this riverside.

On the way, stores such as Tsuki no Wa can be seen on the left. Continue to follow the Toki River.

As you continue along the Toki River, you will see the first bridge, Eikyu Bridge. When this bridge comes into view, still continue straight along the river.

Then you will see the second bridge, Shinmei Bridge. At this bridge, turn left.

You will then see the following view. Go straight along the road where you can see Sunmart and Kusuri no Aoki until you reach the next intersection.

Then, at the intersection, you will see Hotto Motto, so you should cross to the Hotto Motto side. If you do not cross to the Hotto Motto side, you may collide with a car, so you should go to the Hotto Motto side for your safety. (In Japan, bicyclists must ride on the left side of the roadway; however, that depends on situations)Then, turn right at this intersection.

Then you will see a view like this, so continue straight ahead. The road narrows ahead, so drive carefully, watching out for cars.

Straight ahead, you will see Kojimaya ramen shop. Before this, there is a pedestrian crossing, so cross this and follow the arrows in the image.

Then you will come to a residential area like this. Continue straight down this road. It is a hilly road, so it is tough to climb up, but hang in there.

Continue straight ahead and you will see many trees like this one. Still going straight ahead.

The following view can be seen. Still going straight ahead.

Then, you will see this junction and follow the arrow to the left.

Then, a steep slope with a view like this appears, so let’s just hang in there.

When you see the view in the next picture, go straight for a while.

There are frequent forks, but continue straight for a while.

Then you will see an intersection at the end. Follow the arrow at this…

Look. You will see the AEON in Toki City that you are looking for.

The rest of the way down the hill to visit the Aeon site.

The rest of the time, enjoy your time at Aeon. The AEON is open until 9:00 p.m., so once you get there, you will have a great time.

Lastly, I forgot to mention that there is a bicycle parking lot. The bicycle parking is located near exit A. The photo of the parking lot is as follows. (The reason it is taken at night is because I took this picture after I enjoyed Aeon.)

The picture of the A exit is shown below. Each entrance is assigned a letter of the alphabet, and the bicycle parking lot is located near the entrance with the letter A, as shown in the photo below.


In this article, I have compiled a list of safe ways to get to Toki City AEON for people who do not have a car. To be honest, Toki City AEON is located on top of a mountain and is very difficult to access without a car. However, I am sure that there are people who would like to make good use of Toki City AEON by stopping by after school to study for assignments or tests, so I hope this article will be of some help to them.

Originally, I would have recommended taking the bus, but at 660 yen round trip each time, it is a severe financial burden for students, so I personally recommend using a bicycle to get there. By all means, I encourage you to visit Toki City AEON by bicycle in the name of relieving your lack of exercise.

In the end, I wrote this article in English for people who cannot understand Japanese. I hope that people living in Toki City can enjoy a pleasant and comfortable life.


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